How to remove tracks or albums from a playlists?

S'applique à
Audirvāna Remote
Système d'exploitation

You can remove any tracks from playlists available in Audirvāna:

  • Manual playlists to combine local and streaming tracks (Audirvāna Studio only)
  • Streaming playlists (Audirvāna Studio only)

Removing tracks or albums from a playlist

In this article:

Step 1: Open the playlist

You can easily find your playlists using My Playlists under my music section:

You can use the playlists manager to find your playlist, which is always available in the toolbar, wherever you are in Audirvāna:

Note: To keep the manager displayed in Audirvāna, click the icon at the top right of the fitler editor to pin the editor at the left or the right of your view: 

Step 2: Click on the three-dot icon of your track or album

Select the track you want to remove and press Delete. For an album, hover the album and press Delete in the three-dot menu.

Note: You can also remove multiple tracks at the same time by selecting them (select on then hold Shift ⇧) and in the three-dot menu, press Delete.

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